Release Notes - August 6, 2023

Release Notes - August 6, 2023

Release Notes - August 6, 2023


About Release 76.00.00 
  • Document revision: A 

  • Release date: August 6, 2023 

Main features and enhancements 

This release includes Allow List enhancements, add/edit trial plan option for partners and MSPs, Investigation tab support for Static Demo, and more.


Content Summary 


This section lists the main functionality updates, features, and enhancements implemented in this release. 


(IC-27387) The investigation tab's "Detected by" column was retitled to "Initiated by" 


We've retitled the Investigation tab's Detected by column to Initiated by to clarify who or what machine learning model performed the classification action that created the log. In addition, we've added a SOC Analyst value to indicate Classify/Reclassify/Revert actions performed by the SOC analyst. 



(IC-27508) Option to ignore SPF/DKIM/DMARC authentication (Allow List) 


To enable you to allow list reputable sources that fail authentication, we have added an option to set domain/address Allow List items to ignore SPF/DKIM/DMARC authentication. For the protection of our customers, IRONSCALES runs SPF/DKIM/DMARC authentication checks on all incoming traffic, including emails coming from Allow Listed sources, and selecting this checkbox will disable these checks. 



Please note that this may expose your organization to spoofing attacks and is not recommended. 


(IC-27778) Option to allow reporting external simulation campaigns (Allow List) 


For our customers that are using an external campaign management tool, IRONSCALES now allows end-users to report external simulation campaign emails using the Report Phishing button. This is done by selecting the new Show response message for external simulation campaigns checkbox when creating an Allow List item in the Allow List settings page. 


With this enhancement, the Report Phishing pane will behave the same as for IRONSCALES campaign emails, displaying a "This was an exercise, way to go!" Message. 



(IC-27450) Static Demo tenant now includes the Investigation tab 


To facilitate our partners and MSPs' POV activities, we have added the Investigation tab to the Static Demo tenant. No more demonstrations of this great feature on your personal tenant as it also includes logs that are linked to the relevant mock incidents.  


Known Issues 


For the up-to-date list, see Known Issues. 

We provides a SelfLearning NexGen User-Friendly platform combining AI and HumanInsights (HI) along with providing a number of advanced detection techniques for such Impersonation attempts, Polymorphic Attacks, Phishing, Fake Login, SocialEngineering, AccountTakeover, and URLs Links detection using ComputerVision Technology, 50+ engines scanning for advance MalwareDetection BEC Anomaly Detection using Natural Language Processing and offers a multi-layered approach, all combined with our Award Winning MLearning and AI-powered IncidentResponse and Virtual SOC remediating these attacks at the Mailbox level. SRC Cyber Solutions LLP in India provides the most comprehensive Mailbox Level Protection. If you want to know more kindly Click here

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