Product Release Notes v59.00.00

Product Release Notes v59.00.00

Product Release Notes v59.00.00


Product Release Notes v59.00.00

With the v59.00.00 release of IRONSCALES, we are pleased to announce the following product improvements and new features:

Added filters to the campaign's Training Module page

To allow campaign designers to quickly find the suitable training content for their campaign, we've added filter categories to the Training Module page of the Campaign Setup wizard. The filters apply to both Phishing Simulation and Security Awareness Training campaigns and all content publishers.

Phishing Simulation and Security Awareness Training campaigns

Campaign Participants CSV improvements

To make it easier to read and analyze the Campaign Results > Campaign Participants report CSV, we've made the following changes:

  • Changed the time format from "Mth d, yyyy" (e.g. "Oct 19, 2022 19:32") to the more common "mm/dd/yy hh:mm" format ("10/19/22 19:32").
  • Moved the Country and City tags into their own dedicated columns. Previously, the tags were listed in the Custom Tags column, making it harder to sort and filter the CSV.

Moved the Country and City tags into their own dedicated columns (old version)

Here's how the CSV looks now:

Moved the Country and City tags into their own dedicated columns (updated version)

Retitled Incidents tab's 'Sort by Last Email Added' option to 'Sort by Last Message Sent'

The Sort by Last Email Added sorting option in the Classified Incidents and Unclassified Incidents pages also sorts Teams and Account Takeover incidents. Therefore, to address these types of incidents, which do not contain emails, we retitled it to Sort by Last Message Sent.

Sort by Last Message Sent

Updated Industry Median Resolution Time indication based on new research

The Industry Median Resolution Time indication in the Overview > Incident Summary dashboard has been updated based on the latest Osterman Research report from 33 minutes to 27.5.

updated based on the latest Osterman Research report from 33 minutes to 27.5

Option to edit general OWA Report Phishing failure in the UI

(Office 365) You can now customize the error that is displayed when trying to report suspicious emails using the Report Phishing button fails. To customize the error message, go to the Report Phishing Add-on (O365) settings page, edit the text in the new Failed to report field, and click Save Notifications.

Failed to report field

In addition, we rephrased the default error message to: "You currently cannot use the Report Phishing button. Please report this email via {911_mailbox}."

We provides a SelfLearning NexGen User-Friendly platform combining AI and HumanInsights (HI) along with providing a number of advanced detection techniques for such Impersonation attempts, Polymorphic Attacks, Phishing, Fake Login, SocialEngineering, AccountTakeover, and URLs Links detection using ComputerVision Technology, 50+ engines scanning for advance MalwareDetection BEC Anomaly Detection using Natural Language Processing and offers a multi-layered approach, all combined with our Award Winning MLearning and AI-powered IncidentResponse and Virtual SOC remediating these attacks at the Mailbox level. SRC Cyber Solutions LLP in India provides the most comprehensive Mailbox Level Protection. If you want to know more kindly Click here

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