The Cons of Email Blocklists - SRC CYBER SOLUTIONS
The Cons of Email Blocklists

The Cons of Email Blocklists

The Cons of Email Blocklists

For organizations dealing with phishing attacks, it may seem like an easy solution to stopping the attacks is just to block the attacker. Turns out that isn’t the case. Let’s look at why this approach actually creates more work for your already overburdened security team.

Blocking an attacker results in them receiving a bounce back or undeliverable message when they attempt to phish your newly blocked domain. This lets the attacker know to stop targeting that domain and create a new one to target you with. This creates an ongoing, never-ending cycle of blocking, new attack, blocking, new attack, etc.bounce-back-undeliverable-message

Let's look at an example to understand this in a bit more detail. I'm an attacker. I'll spam/phish your domain using You decide to block the spamming domain Now suddenly, I (the attacker) get NDRs/ Bounce Backs. These “Non-Delivery Receipt” (NDRs)/Bounce Back messages will be my signal to now change my domain and start spamming you with You block this "" The same cycle continues on and on, ending in no actual protection from the attacker.

We think there’s a better way. To ensure you are not helping the attacker and preventing this block cycle from starting, our platform can create incidents to notate the attacker is targeting your organization, but the attacker does not get notified or become aware that we have discovered their attack.

For example, I'm an attacker. I'll spam/phish you using IRONSCALES identifies the attack and creates an incident and automatically quarantines this message across all of your company’s inboxes. I (the attacker) will not receive an NDR/Bounce Back. I have no clue if my message reached you or not. So, I'll keep spamming you. However, IRONSCALES just keeps clustering my messages to the same incident you created the first time, and you don't have to take any action.themis-example-notificationaffected-mailboxes-example

The benefits of not having a blocklist are evident. IRONSCALES helps security teams by clustering incidents from the same attacker, so the security team knows what the attacker is doing. However, the attacker has no idea we are onto them.clustering-incidents-flow-chart

Using this technique gives your security team the upper hand when it comes to both common and advanced attackers. It’s a win-win!

The Cons of Email Blocklists

For organizations dealing with phishing attacks, it may seem like an easy solution to stopping the attacks is just to block the attacker. Turns out that isn’t the case. Let’s look at why this approach actually creates more work for your already overburdened security team.

Blocking an attacker results in them receiving a bounce back or undeliverable message when they attempt to phish your newly blocked domain. This lets the attacker know to stop targeting that domain and create a new one to target you with. This creates an ongoing, never-ending cycle of blocking, new attack, blocking, new attack, etc.bounce-back-undeliverable-message

Let's look at an example to understand this in a bit more detail. I'm an attacker. I'll spam/phish your domain using You decide to block the spamming domain Now suddenly, I (the attacker) get NDRs/ Bounce Backs. These “Non-Delivery Receipt” (NDRs)/Bounce Back messages will be my signal to now change my domain and start spamming you with You block this "" The same cycle continues on and on, ending in no actual protection from the attacker.

We think there’s a better way. To ensure you are not helping the attacker and preventing this block cycle from starting, our platform can create incidents to notate the attacker is targeting your organization, but the attacker does not get notified or become aware that we have discovered their attack.

For example, I'm an attacker. I'll spam/phish you using IRONSCALES identifies the attack and creates an incident and automatically quarantines this message across all of your company’s inboxes. I (the attacker) will not receive an NDR/Bounce Back. I have no clue if my message reached you or not. So, I'll keep spamming you. However, IRONSCALES just keeps clustering my messages to the same incident you created the first time, and you don't have to take any action.themis-example-notificationaffected-mailboxes-example

The benefits of not having a blocklist are evident. IRONSCALES helps security teams by clustering incidents from the same attacker, so the security team knows what the attacker is doing. However, the attacker has no idea we are onto them.clustering-incidents-flow-chart

Using this technique gives your security team the upper hand when it comes to both common and advanced attackers. It’s a win-win!