Rs. 52 Crore Fraud from Cybersecurity Breach - SRC CYBER SOLUTIONS
Rs. 52 Crore Fraud from Cybersecurity Breach

Rs. 52 Crore Fraud from Cybersecurity Breach

A detrimental Rs. 52 crore fraud, spotlighted by reputable media sources, unfolded due to a #EmailSecrutiy lapse, exposing compromised business IDs and enabling unauthorized transfers. The main reason for this breach was poor #EmailSecuritySolutions. This incident underscores the imperative need for robust #EmailSecuritySolutions, SRC Cyber Solutions LLP provides Comprehensive #EmailSecurity, coupled with #Training and #AwarenessPrograms, to fortify defenses against evolving #CyberThreats. Don’t risk #FinancialLoss, contact us to safeguard your assets and ensure a resilient #Cybersecurity posture.

To Know more-

#SRCCyberSolutionsLLP provides a #SelfLearning #NexGen User-Friendly platform combining #AI and #HumanInsights (#HI) along with providing several advanced detection techniques for such #Impersonation attempts, Polymorphic Attacks, #Phishing, Fake Login, #SocialEngineering#AccountTakeover, and #URLs Links detection using #ComputerVision Technology, 50+ engines scanning for advance #MalwareDetection #BEC #AnomalyDetection using Natural Language Processing and offers a multi-layered approach, all combined with our Award Winning #MLearning and #AI-powered #IncidentResponse and #Virtual #SOC remediating these attacks at the Mailbox level.

SRC Cyber Solutions LLP in India provides the most comprehensive #MailboxLevelProtection

#CyberAttack #Security #InformationSecurity #InfoSec #Cyber #CyberInsurance #DigitalSecurity #PhishingAttacks #CyberAwareness #FraudPrevention #SecureMessaging #StayAlertOnline #CyberThreats #InternetSafety #BeCyberSmart #OnlinePrivacy #PhishingScams #TechSecurity #DigitalLiteracy #CyberDefense #ProtectYourData #SafeOnline #SecurityEducation

A detrimental Rs. 52 crore fraud, spotlighted by reputable media sources, unfolded due to a #EmailSecrutiy lapse, exposing compromised business IDs and enabling unauthorized transfers. The main reason for this breach was poor #EmailSecuritySolutions. This incident underscores the imperative need for robust #EmailSecuritySolutions, SRC Cyber Solutions LLP provides Comprehensive #EmailSecurity, coupled with #Training and #AwarenessPrograms, to fortify defenses against evolving #CyberThreats. Don’t risk #FinancialLoss, contact us to safeguard your assets and ensure a resilient #Cybersecurity posture.

To Know more-

#SRCCyberSolutionsLLP provides a #SelfLearning #NexGen User-Friendly platform combining #AI and #HumanInsights (#HI) along with providing several advanced detection techniques for such #Impersonation attempts, Polymorphic Attacks, #Phishing, Fake Login, #SocialEngineering#AccountTakeover, and #URLs Links detection using #ComputerVision Technology, 50+ engines scanning for advance #MalwareDetection #BEC #AnomalyDetection using Natural Language Processing and offers a multi-layered approach, all combined with our Award Winning #MLearning and #AI-powered #IncidentResponse and #Virtual #SOC remediating these attacks at the Mailbox level.

SRC Cyber Solutions LLP in India provides the most comprehensive #MailboxLevelProtection

#CyberAttack #Security #InformationSecurity #InfoSec #Cyber #CyberInsurance #DigitalSecurity #PhishingAttacks #CyberAwareness #FraudPrevention #SecureMessaging #StayAlertOnline #CyberThreats #InternetSafety #BeCyberSmart #OnlinePrivacy #PhishingScams #TechSecurity #DigitalLiteracy #CyberDefense #ProtectYourData #SafeOnline #SecurityEducation