Third Party Data Flow Security - SRC Cyber Solutions LLP
Third Party Data Flow Security

Latest Third Party Data Flow Security Blog

Follow along for product updates, threat research, and strategies for overcoming the challenges of modern security teams.

  • 25-Jul-2024

Data Catalogs: What They Are & Why They’re Important

This blog explains what data catalogs are and why they are an important investment

  • 22-Feb-2024

A Comprehensive Guide to Open-Source Security

Open source security is a term used to describe the process of protecting your organization’s data and network from attack by using open-source software. It refers to the use of open-source software (OSS) for data protection. Open source software is free to use, meaning that anyone can access it wit

  • 19-Jan-2024

Keeping a Pulse on All Third-Party Connections

Keeping a Pulse on All Third-Party Connections One of the main goals of information security is to protect assets. Security Guest Expert Security Expert Published on 1/17/2024 5min. A blog image for the how to respond to the MOVEit attack blog. The core tenets of information security i

  • 17-Jan-2024

Application Risk Assessments, Why They're Important and How to Perform Them

A comprehensive application risk assessment guide sharing tips and considerations of the process of evaluating and understanding the security risks associated with an application.

  • 12-Jan-2024

Understanding Data Lineage and Data Provenance

Data lineage and data provenance are related terms, but different. Lineage focuses on the origins and movements of data over time, while provenance focuses on the transformations and derivations of data from original sources. Provenance helps teams to follow the source of data and verify its authent

  • 22-Dec-2023

The Ins and Outs of Application Security Policy

A policy, by definition, is a statement of management intent that is mandatory for an organization.

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