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Comprehensive Email Security

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  • 14-Jun-2022

Business Email Compromise (BEC) Explained

What is Business Email Compromise? Business email compromise (BEC) is a type of targeted phishing (spear phishing) in which a threat actor either accesses or mimics a genuine business email account to defraud the business. This tactic relies on exploiting the assumed trust that victims have in emails coming from what appear to be genuine sources. Often, these scams target employees working in financial departments or executives who have the power to transfer money from business accounts to bank accounts under the control of the threat actor. BEC is a notably high-cost type of phishing attack. In fact, the FBI released a Public Service Announcement in 2022 outlining that BEC cost companies an estimated $43 billion between 2016 and 2021.

  • 14-Jun-2022

Detecting and Remediating EMOTET Malware

EMOTET malware is a banking trojan that was initially spotted in 2014, disappeared for a while, and then reappeared in 2018. EMOTET is typically spread through phishing emails with malicious Microsoft Word or Excel files attached. Should an end-user click on the malicious attachment, the malware will begin running on their machine. This, in turn, allows the threat actor to deploy specific types of malware to the victim’s machine which could range from banking trojans, ransomware, keyloggers, and more.

  • 28-May-2022

The State of Ransomware Attacks in the Transportation Industry

Transportation companies provide critical functions in shipping products and carrying people to their destinations. Encompassing both transport and logistics companies, the transportation sector is at a high risk of exposure to ransomware attacks that can disrupt services or even endanger peoples’ welfare. This article examines the current state of ransomware in transportation.

  • 28-May-2022

Developing a Healthy Distrust for Email in the Workplace

A half-century has passed since the first electronic messages were sent via connected ARPANET computers. It was roughly a decade later than we began calling these transmissions “email.” In the decades since, email has become such a ubiquitous part of everyday life – shaping how we communicate, do business, shop, market products, pay bills, find jobs, and so much more – that we tend to overlook how vulnerable it leaves us.

  • 28-May-2022

What Is Ransomware: Demystifying and Defending Against an Evolving Threat

“I know I hear you talk about this all the time, but what is ransomware exactly?” my wife asked as we watched the evening news. Apart from being a great question, it’s one that a lot of folks have been pondering lately. And so, in this this blog we will demystify and define the phenomenon. We will discuss its history, how the term grew to be so common, and offer some ideas of what the future might hold as ransomware evolves.

  • 28-May-2022

The Human Factor in Email Phishing

“Yeah, I get it, but I just don't trust users; they always screw everything up,” lamented the Director of IT, while on a recent sales call featuring our dynamic contextual awareness banners. His is not a unique viewpoint. Distrust in the capabilities of non-technical employees is a common perspective among technologists and one that I admit to once sharing. However, after spending most of my life in information technology and cybersecurity, I now realize employees are a critical, necessary element of every company’s security response, especially when it comes to email phishing.

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