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  • 28-May-2022

New Dog, Old Tricks: Reducing Cryptocurrency Phishing Vulnerabilities

For the security-minded, the rise of cryptocurrencies has been both a blessing and a curse. Coins like Bitcoin and Ethereum theoretically offer a higher degree of protection and privacy than traditional banking, especially in an online world where banking websites share much of our sensitive financial information with untold numbers of third-party vendors. Having full control of a cryptocurrency wallet, with strings of numbers serving as the username and password rather than any personally identifiable information

  • 28-May-2022

Product Release Notes v50.00.00

With the v50.00.00 release of IRONSCALES, we are pleased to announce the following product improvements and new features:

  • 28-May-2022

Is a lack of quality talent stretching your security team too thin?

If you’re concerned that your security team may be suffering from fatigue, lacking motivation, or feeling overwhelmed… you’re not wrong. The industry is facing a dearth of qualified cybersecurity professionals, and that skills shortage is causing problems for organizations large and small, as the barrage of cyber threats grows ever more constant.

  • 28-May-2022

The State of Ransomware Attacks in the Healthcare Industry

The sensitive nature of information gathered about patients makes healthcare organizations particularly vulnerable to ransomware attacks. Seeking a large payday, opportunistic hacking groups target the healthcare sector believing that disrupting critical patient services or stealing valuable data is more likely to result in payouts. This article looks at ransomware in healthcare by focusing on some recent incidents, statistics, and mitigation strategies.

  • 02-Mar-2022

Four Benefits of Automated Advanced Phishing Threat Protection to the Channel

Fostering channel partnerships with reputable value-added resellers (VARs) has become an important component of most cybersecurity companies go-to-market strategies. Challenged by what seems like historic levels of market saturation and the continued emergence of new and potentially disruptive technologies, many InfoSec product and service providers have come to depend on the channel not just to expedite sales and sustain revenue, but also to aggressively protect against competitors seeking to make a dent in their mindshare and market share.

  • 23-Feb-2022

The State of Ransomware Attacks in the Manufacturing Industry

Disrupting operations at manufacturing plants is a potentially lucrative path for threat actors specializing in ransomware. This article discusses the current state of ransomware in the manufacturing sector by focusing on the vulnerabilities, statistics, and some recent attacks.

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