Automated Patching and EndPoint Management - SRC Cyber Solutions LLP


The Future of IT Operations is cloud-native - and right now.

Today's IT demands more than legacy tools can deliver. Only AUTOMOX enables complete visibility and control for every Windows, macOS, and Linux endpoint from a single platform - at any scale. Now IT can easily act in real-time to drive greater strategic value and security value and security outcomes for their business.

Realize radical performances and
efficiency gains across IT Operations.


faster patching and vulnerability remediation

AUTOMOX users remediate vulnerabilities in 24 hours or less, compared to the 90 days or more other users report.


reduction in TCO vs. legacy systems

Eliminate the hidden costs and required resources of on-premises systems with AUTOMOX cloud-native IT Operations.


infrastructure, serves or VPNs needed

Get up and running instantly without extra hardware, software, or configurations........ ...... ..........


One cloud-native EDR tool deployed across all endpoints.

  • Line 2  Comprehensive detection and analysis of endpoint breaches
  • Line 2  No VPN required
  • Line 2  Seconds to knowledge of breach


Has a separate legacy, on-prem tools for…

OS management (Windows)
OS management (Mac)
OS management (Linux)
Inventory Management
Deploying and Patching Software
Managing configuration compliance
  • Line 2  Costly to deploy and maintain
  • Line 2  Disparate and disconnected
  • Line 2  VPN dependent
  • Line 2  Slow and too rigid for today’s IT operator

Unpatched Vulnerabilities

102 Days

Average time to remediate critical vulnerabilities.

7 Days

Time it takes adversaries to weaponize and exploit new critical vulnerabilities.

1 Days

90% of AUTOMOX customers harden critical infrastructure within 1 day of an identified vulnerability.

Modern Endpoint Management


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